EN: Over 500K Swiss Francs of fan investments

Monday, January 4, 2021
A new production and distribution model for independent film attracts over 500.000 Swiss Francs of fan investments.
For the fans, by the fans, with the fans
During the last two decades, digitalization and globalization have created a totally new playground for the consumption of films, where cinemas have been fighting for their exclusive windows before digital availability. Last year COVID-19 stormed the whole world and heavy restrictions in cinemagoing have made all the previous rules obsolete, and the film industry is seeking new business models.
Swissploitation Films GmbH from Zürich, Switzerland is launching a new production and distribution model for independent films with a potential for a wide fan following. In this model the production is financed by fans, allowing producers to keep full control not only over the film and its distribution but also over the revenue streams. Swissploitation Films, in association with London based FilmChain Ltd., has developed an automated revenue collection & allocation system using blockchain technology.
Mad Heidi, the world's first Swissploitation film, directed by Johannes Hartmann, is a pilot project for this new model and it has already secured over 500.000 swiss francs of investments from fans and is currently preparing the production for 2021 followed by a global release in 2022.
“There is a mission behind this model and it's very simple: If your film makes money, it needs to go to those who deserve it”, states producer Tero Kaukomaa from Swissploitation Films. "In a traditional distribution model, the revenues are usually eaten by a complex distribution structure with numerous middlemen. The producers are usually the last ones to financially enjoy their success. There needs to be an alternative".