100K Heidi Bonds
We have reached 100'000 Heidi Bonds! A special shout out to our supporter Hermann Monster who is now leading the Heidi warrior ranking with no less than 11'357 Heidi Bonds.
Thanks to your mad support, we have been able to further develop MAD HEIDI over the past months. We've hired an assistant who can support us in everyday Heidi tasks; we are able to expand our promo activities and make Heidi more famous; and last but not least we've been able to write a first version of the script with the funds from round one.
Despite your overwhelming support, we weren't able to reach our goal of 150'000 Heidi Bonds until the end of February. That's why we have to extend the deadline of our current funding round.
New deadline: June 30, 2019
The resistance must continue to grow in order to reach the goal within the new deadline. This is only possible with your help. Tell all your friends to join the resistance and spread the word of Heidi on social media!