We are extremely proud of all our fans and investors who helped us to reach the 500'000 CHF mark yesterday! As we already announced, we have decided to extend our deadline until April 30, and we're confident that we will shoot the movie in summer/autumn of this upcoming year.
You may have heard of our cool special privileges like "Get Killed on Screen" or "Be an Angry Farmer". But it's not everybody's cup of tea to appear on the big screen. If you don't enjoy being in public too much, the "Set Visit" privilege might be the perfect experience for you! Join the shooting for a full day and watch the team up-close at work, have lunch with the crew and cast, and take home an experience of your lifetime.
Usually, this privilege is only available to investors who have invested CHF 5'000 or more, but if you invest until December 31, you will get the Set Visit privilege already for an investment of CHF 1'000 or more.
If a simple set visit is not enough and you want the ultimate experience, you can visit us again on the last day of shooting. Get absolutely shit-faced with the cast and crew at our wrap party! Invest CHF 5'000 or more before December 31 (after that, the minimum investment for this privilege will be CHF 10'000) to unlock wrap-party access. But beware: This will be total madness!
If you have previously invested CHF 1'000/5'000 or more, you will automatically get the new privilege.
>>> Check out the new privileges <<<
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